Kamis, 14 Juli 2011

My 30's Birthday

In my late twenty, i would like to do something different to celebrate or contemplate my growing age...

Perhaps i'm not planning it very well, cause there a bit change of plan.
In my plan, i would like to go travel with my husband or at least future husband, but in reality, i haven't found him yet, so i travel with my cousin, Fajri

So, First plan visit Bali, turn out to be we change the plan and right away booked tickets to Kuala Lumpur Malaysia and visit plus stay in my other cousin house in Shah Alam

We definitely a budget travel kind of, but this is my first time to go abroad with my "porter boy" thats what called fajri

Thanks to Datuk Budi n Datin Savitri, we could stay in their house for 4 days, what a journey....

to be continue.....

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